+971 52 482 54 12
Ras Al Khaimah
june 2024
Signing of the Strategic Cooperation Agreement at SPIEF 2024
On 08 June 2024, on the sidelines of the XXVII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the International Organization for Eurasian Cooperation (IOEC) and the Worldwide Association of entrepreneurs of Eurasia and Africa (WORLDWIDE AEEA) signed an Agreement on Cooperation and Interaction.

The Agreement on Cooperation and Interaction was signed by the President of the IOEC Dmitry Stasyulis and the Chairman of the Board of WORLDWIDE AEEA Irina Gurnitskaya.

The parties agreed to strengthen cooperation between the IOEC and WORLDWIDE AEEA in order to work together on key projects and initiatives, including the creation of an enabling environment for dialogue between representatives of states, business structures, the public and entrepreneurs. Based on the headquarters of the Worldwide Association of entrepreneurs of Eurasia and Africa, it is planned to open an IOEC representative office in Ras Al Khaimah (UAE).

Source: https://spbdnevnik.ru/news/2024-06-08/mezhdunarodnoy-organizatsii-evraziyskogo-sotrudnichestva-i-assotsiatsiya-predprinimateley-evrazii-i-afriki-podpisali-soglashenie-na-pmef

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